In Years 2, 3, and 4 students are encouraged and supported in their efforts to become more independent through a variety of experiences and programs. Many opportunities are also created for students to develop their independent learning capabilities and speaking skills to prepare them for the years ahead.

Netbook Program

In Year 3, our students are introduced to a 1:1 Netbook Program. This allows parents to rent a new laptop for their child through the school. This Netbook is used exclusively by the student and is able to be customised to their learning needs. The initiative provides greater access to information technology, which results in our students becoming digitally literate citizens.


In Literacy, Year 2 students are exposed to a wide variety of strategies to assist them decoding and spelling unknown words. They consolidate their understanding of single sounds and letter blends, develop common word lists, topic lists and individual lists. In Years 3 & 4, students work on individual spelling programs, based on the text, and develop their recall of high use words, phonics strategies, use of word origins and grammar.

In Numeracy, students will focus on reinforcing the concept of place value, counting and number patterns. The students will explore number strategies through games and problem solving. Our measurement topics are time and space. There is a strong focus on the development of core number skills in both written and mental computation forms. Students participate in hands on style activities to develop other aspects of mathematics such as measurement, chance and data, shapes and problem solving skills.

Great emphasis is placed on the development of student ability in all subject areas.

Explicit teaching of key numeracy and literacy skills supports an integrated approach to learning that takes into account different learning styles and the development of thinking skills. Reading, writing, spelling, speaking and listening skills are extensively integrated into learning programs. Students are provided with the opportunity to extend their learning in both literacy and numeracy through the provision of Extension Programs offered in all classrooms from Foundation to year six that are facilitated by Leading Teachers.

We establish high expectations and aim for excellence. Students are encouraged to strive for their personal best and assist others to do the same. There is a great focus on developing the whole child. In Years 2, 3, and 4, we are committed to creating a caring, supportive and encouraging learning environment.

Year 2 students engage in specialist subjects including Hindi, Art and Physical Education and in Years 3 and 4 students participate in a specialist program involving Visual and Digital Arts, Physical Education and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).

Students also undertake Inquiry Studies.